Source code for teek._widgets.misc

import teek
from teek._tcl_calls import from_tcl, make_thread_safe
from teek._widgets.base import Widget, ChildMixin

[docs]class Button(ChildMixin, Widget): """A widget that runs a callback when it's clicked. See :source:`examples/` for example code. ``text`` can be given as with :class:`Label`. The ``'command'`` option is not settable, and its value is a :class:`.Callback` that runs with no arguments when the button is clicked. If the *command* argument is given, it will be treated so that this... :: button = teek.Button(some_widget, "Click me", do_something) ...does the same thing as this:: button = teek.Button(some_widget, "Click me") button.config['command'].connect(do_something) See :meth:`.Callback.connect` documentation if you need to pass arguments to the ``do_something`` function. Manual page: :man:`ttk_button(3tk)` """ _widget_name = 'ttk::button' tk_class_name = 'TButton' @make_thread_safe def __init__(self, parent, text='', command=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent, text=text, **kwargs) if command is not None: self.config['command'].connect(command) def _init_config(self): super()._init_config() self.config._types.update({ 'default': str, 'width': teek.ScreenDistance, }) self.config._special['command'] = self._create_click_command def _create_click_command(self): result = teek.Callback() command_string = teek.create_command( self.command_list.append(command_string) self._call(None, self, 'configure', '-command', command_string) return result def _repr_parts(self): return ['text=' + repr(self.config['text'])]
[docs] def invoke(self): """Runs the command callback. See ``pathname invoke`` in :man:`ttk_button(3tk)` for details. """ self._call(None, self, 'invoke')
[docs]class Checkbutton(ChildMixin, Widget): """A square-shaped, checkable box with text next to it. See :source:`examples/` for example code. For convenience, ``text`` and ``command`` arguments work the same way as with :class:`.Button`. The ``'command'`` option is not settable, and its value is a :class:`.Callback`. By default, it runs with ``True`` as the only argument when the checkbutton is checked, and with ``False`` when the checkbutton is unchecked. You can pass ``onvalue=False, offvalue=True`` to reverse this if you find it useful for some reason. This also affects the values that end up in the ``'variable'`` option (see manual page), which is a :class:`.BooleanVar`. Manual page: :man:`ttk_checkbutton(3tk)` """ _widget_name = 'ttk::checkbutton' tk_class_name = 'TCheckbutton' @make_thread_safe def __init__(self, parent, text='', command=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent, text=text, **kwargs) if command is not None: self.config['command'].connect(command) def _init_config(self): super()._init_config() self.config._types.update({ 'onvalue': bool, 'offvalue': bool, 'variable': teek.BooleanVar, 'width': teek.ScreenDistance, }) self.config._special['command'] = self._create_check_command def _command_runner(self): self.config['command'].run(self.config['variable'].get()) def _create_check_command(self): result = teek.Callback() command_string = teek.create_command(self._command_runner) self.command_list.append(command_string) self._call(None, self, 'configure', '-command', command_string) return result
[docs] def invoke(self): """ Checks or unchecks the checkbutton, updates the variable and runs the command callback. See ``pathname invoke`` in :man:`ttk_checkbutton(3tk)` for details. """ self._call(None, self, 'invoke')
[docs]class Entry(ChildMixin, Widget): """A widget for asking the user to enter a one-line string. The ``text`` option works as with :class:`.Label`. .. seealso:: Use :class:`.Label` if you want to display text without letting the user edit it. Entries are also not suitable for text with more than one line; use :class:`.Text` instead if you want multiple lines. Manual page: :man:`ttk_entry(3tk)` """ _widget_name = 'ttk::entry' tk_class_name = 'TEntry' @make_thread_safe def __init__(self, parent, text='', **kwargs): super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self._call(None, self, 'insert', 0, text) def _init_config(self): super()._init_config() self.config._types.update({ 'exportselection': bool, #invalidcommand: ???, 'show': str, 'validate': str, #'validatecommand': ???, 'width': int, # NOT a screen distance }) def _repr_parts(self): return ['text=' + repr(self.text)] @property def text(self): """The string of text in the entry widget. Setting and getting this attribute calls ``get``, ``insert`` and ``delete`` documented in :man:`ttk_entry(3tk)`. """ return self._call(str, self, 'get') @text.setter @make_thread_safe def text(self, new_text): self._call(None, self, 'delete', 0, 'end') self._call(None, self, 'insert', 0, new_text) @property def cursor_pos(self): """ The integer index of the cursor in the entry, so that ``entry.text[:entry.cursor_pos]`` and ``entry.text[entry.cursor_pos:]`` are the text before and after the cursor, respectively. You can set this attribute to move the cursor. """ return self._call(int, self, 'index', 'insert') @cursor_pos.setter def cursor_pos(self, new_pos): self._call(None, self, 'icursor', new_pos)
[docs]class Spinbox(Entry): """An entry with up and down buttons. This class inherits from :class:`.Entry`, so it has all the attributes and methods of :class:`.Entry`, like :attr:`~.Entry.text` and :attr:`~.Entry.cursor_pos`. The value of the ``'command'`` option is a :class:`.Callback` that is ran with no arguments. If a ``command`` keyword argument is given, it will be connected to the callback automatically. Manual page: :man:`ttk_spinbox(3tk)` """ _widget_name = 'ttk::spinbox' tk_class_name = 'TSpinbox' @make_thread_safe def __init__(self, parent, *, command=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) if command is not None: self.config['command'].connect(command) def _init_config(self): super()._init_config() self.config._types.update({ 'from': float, 'to': float, 'increment': float, 'values': [str], 'wrap': bool, 'format': str, }) self.config._special['command'] = self._create_spin_command def _create_spin_command(self): result = teek.Callback() command_string = teek.create_command( self.command_list.append(command_string) self._call(None, self, 'configure', '-command', command_string) return result
[docs]class Combobox(Entry): """An entry that displays a list of valid values. This class inherits from :class:`.Entry`, so it has all the attributes and methods of :class:`.Entry`, like :attr:`~.Entry.text` and :attr:`~.Entry.cursor_pos`. Manual page: :man:`ttk_combobox(3tk)` """ _widget_name = 'ttk::combobox' tk_class_name = 'TCombobox' def _init_config(self): super()._init_config() self.config._types.update({ 'height': int, 'values': [str], })
[docs]class Frame(ChildMixin, Widget): """An empty widget. Frames are often used as containers for other widgets. Manual page: :man:`ttk_frame(3tk)` """ _widget_name = 'ttk::frame' tk_class_name = 'TFrame' def _init_config(self): super()._init_config() # if you change these, also change Window's types in self.config._types.update({ 'height': teek.ScreenDistance, 'padding': teek.ScreenDistance, 'width': teek.ScreenDistance, })
[docs]class Label(ChildMixin, Widget): """A widget that displays text. For convenience, the ``text`` option can be also given as a positional initialization argument, so ``teek.Label(parent, "hello")`` and ``teek.Label(parent, text="hello")`` do the same thing. Manual page: :man:`ttk_label(3tk)` """ _widget_name = 'ttk::label' tk_class_name = 'TLabel' def __init__(self, parent, text='', **kwargs): super().__init__(parent, text=text, **kwargs) def _init_config(self): super()._init_config() self.config._types.update({ 'width': teek.ScreenDistance, }) def _repr_parts(self): return ['text=' + repr(self.config['text'])]
[docs]class LabelFrame(ChildMixin, Widget): """A frame with a visible border line and title text. For convenience, the ``text`` option can be given as with :class:`.Label`. Manual page: :man:`ttk_labelframe(3tk)` """ _widget_name = 'ttk::labelframe' tk_class_name = 'TLabelframe' def __init__(self, parent, text='', **kwargs): super().__init__(parent, text=text, **kwargs) def _init_config(self): super()._init_config() self.config._types.update({ 'height': teek.ScreenDistance, 'labelanchor': str, 'labelwidget': Widget, 'width': teek.ScreenDistance, }) def _repr_parts(self): return ['text=' + repr(self.config['text'])]
[docs]class Progressbar(ChildMixin, Widget): """ Displays progress of a long-running operation. This is useful if you are :ref:`running something concurrently <concurrency>` and you want to let the user know that something is happening. The progress bar can be used in two modes. Pass ``mode='indeterminate'`` and call :meth:`start` to make the progress bar bounce back and forth forever. If you want to create a progress bar that actually displays progress instead of just letting the user know that something is happening, don't pass ``mode='indeterminate'``; the default is ``mode='determinate'``, which does what you want. There's a ``'value'`` option that can be used to set the progress in determinate mode. A value of 0 means that nothing is done, and 100 means that we are ready. If you do math on a regular basis, that's all you need to know, but if you are not very good at math, keep reading: .. admonition:: Progress Math If your program does 5 things, and 2 of them are done, you should do this:: progress_bar.config['value'] = (2 / 5) * 100 It works like this: * The program has done 2 things out of 5; that is, 2/5. That is a division. Its value turns out to be 0.4. * We want percents. They are numbers between 0 and 100. The ``done / total`` calculation gives us a number between 0 and 1; if we have done nothing, we have ``0 / 5 == 0.0``, and if we have done everything, we have ``5 / 5 == 1.0``. If we add ``* 100``, we get ``0.0 * 100 = 0.0`` when we haven't done anything, and ``1.0 * 100 == 100.0`` when we have done everything. Awesome! :: progress_bar.config['value'] = (done / total) * 100 However, this fails if ``total == 0``: >>> 1/0 Traceback (most recent call last): ... ZeroDivisionError: division by zero If we have no work to do and we have done nothing (``0/0``), then how many percents of the work is done? It doesn't make sense. You can handle these cases e.g. like this:: if total == 0: # 0/0 things done, make the progress bar grayed out because # there is no progress to indicate progress_bar.state.add('disabled') else: progress_bar.config['value'] = (done / total) * 100 If multiplying by 100 is annoying, you can create the progress bar like this... :: progress_bar = teek.Progressbar(parent_widget, maximum=1) ...and then set numbers between 0 and 1 to ``progress_bar.config['value']``:: if total == 0: progress_bar.state.add('disabled') else: progress_bar.config['value'] = done / total Manual page: :man:`ttk_progressbar(3tk)` """ _widget_name = 'ttk::progressbar' tk_class_name = 'TProgressbar' def _init_config(self): super()._init_config() self.config._types.update({ 'orient': str, 'length': teek.ScreenDistance, # undocumented but true 'maximum': float, 'mode': str, #'phase': ???, 'value': float, 'variable': teek.FloatVar, }) def _repr_parts(self): result = ['mode=' + repr(self.config['mode'])] if self.config['mode'] == 'determinate': result.append('value=' + repr(self.config['value'])) result.append('maximum=' + repr(self.config['maximum'])) return result
[docs] def start(self, interval=50): """Makes an indeterminate mode progress bar bounce back and forth. The progress bar will move by a tiny bit every *interval* milliseconds. A small interval makes the progress bar look smoother, but don't make it too small to avoid keeping CPU usage down. The default should be good enough for most things. """ self._call(None, self, 'start', interval)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stops the bouncing started by :meth:`start`.""" self._call(None, self, 'stop')
[docs]class Scrollbar(ChildMixin, Widget): """A widget for scrolling other widgets, like :class:`.Text`. In order to use a scrollbar, there are two things you need to do: 1. Tell a scrollable widget (e.g. :class:`.Text`) to use the scrollbar. 2. Tell the scrollbar to scroll the widget. For example:: import teek window = teek.Window() text = teek.Text(window) text.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True) scrollbar = teek.Scrollbar(window) scrollbar.pack(side='left', fill='y') text.config['yscrollcommand'].connect(scrollbar.set) # 1. scrollbar.config['command'].connect(text.yview) # 2. window.on_delete_window.connect(teek.quit) The value of the scrollbar's ``'command'`` option is a :class:`.Callback` that runs when the scrollbar is scrolled. It runs with arguments suitable for :meth:`.Text.xview` or :meth:`.Text.yview`. See ``SCROLLING COMMANDS`` in :man:`ttk_scrollbar(3tk)` for details about the arguments. Manual page: :man:`ttk_scrollbar(3tk)` """ _widget_name = 'ttk::scrollbar' tk_class_name = 'TScrollbar' def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.config._special['command'] = self._create_scrolling_command # this runs when the user moves the scrollbar def _command_runner(self, *args): if args[0] == 'moveto': moveto, fraction = args fraction = from_tcl(float, fraction) self.config['command'].run('moveto', fraction) elif args[0] == 'scroll' and args[-1] in ('units', 'pages'): scroll, number, units_or_pages = args number = from_tcl(int, number) self.config['command'].run('scroll', number, units_or_pages) else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("ttk::scrollbar's command ran with unexpected " "arguments: " + repr(args)) def _create_scrolling_command(self): result = teek.Callback() command_string = teek.create_command( self._command_runner, extra_args_type=str) self.command_list.append(command_string) self._call(None, self, 'configure', '-command', command_string) return result
[docs] def set(self, first, last): """Set the scrollbar's position. See ``pathName set`` in :man:`ttk_scrollbar(3tk)` for details. """ self._call(None, self, 'set', first, last)
[docs] def get(self): """Return a two-tuple of floats that have been passed to :meth:`set`. See also ``pathName get`` in :man:`ttk_scrollbar(3tk)`. """ return self._call((float, float), self, 'get')
[docs]class Separator(ChildMixin, Widget): """A horizontal or vertical line, depending on an ``orient`` option. Create a horizontal separator like this... :: separator = teek.Separator(some_widget, orient='horizontal') separator.pack(fill='x') # default is side='top' ...and create a vertical separator like this:: separator = teek.Separator(some_widget, orient='vertical') separator.pack(fill='y', side='left') # can also use side='right' See :source:`examples/` for more example code. Manual page: :man:`ttk_separator(3tk)` """ # TODO: link to pack docs _widget_name = 'ttk::separator' tk_class_name = 'TSeparator' def _repr_parts(self): return ['orient=' + repr(self.config['orient'])]